Best Termite Control Phoenix Specialists to Help You and Your Home

Best Termite Control Phoenix Specialists to Help You and Your Home

It’s easy to choose Phoenix, AZ as the place to be. The weather is great and the houses for sale are elegant. As in any other place, however, you would want to know more about the best termite control in Phoenix services.

Termites Everywhere

Even an idyllic place such as Phoenix is not exempted from termite infestation. The truth is that termites are everywhere and can do extensive damage to your property without you knowing about it.

Termite infestations may begin when underground colonies of termites thrive and find their way onto your property.

Every home stands the risk of being eaten by termites from the inside out. This may mean that you may not immediately see the problem until it’s too late. By that time, the colony near your house may already contain millions of occupants.

Termite Clues

By observing any termite clues, you can stop their infestation from the roots. Moist soil, moist wooden areas, and moist wood-based debris near your home may encourage termites to thrive and find their way to your home.

If you are to prevent termite infestation, then getting answers to the question of what do termites look like should be the concern of every homeowner.

This is because termites can strike almost anywhere and when they do, they are difficult to get rid of and can cause damage to property. For some though, termite identification does not come easily. So, what do termites look like?

What Do Termites Look Like?

The answer generally depends on the species and type of termite. There are more than 2000 species of termites and there are two major types, dry wood, and ground or subterranean termites.

Termites, however, share some similar features that differentiate them from other insects like ants.

Your primary concern should be ground or subterranean termites because they are the ones that may live underground and move through mud tubes to your home.

Ground termites can have anywhere from thousands to millions of members. Unless you identify them and have them properly and expertly exterminated, they will keep on eating your wood and furniture.

Cellulose or wood-based products including paper are the main subsistence for these insects. Some homeowners get a clue that they have termites if they notice some woodwork with eaten up sections.

You would have a better chance though of answering the question of what do termites look like if you study the features of the different colony members.


The lowest level in the hierarchy is the worker termites. However, they are also usually quite numerous. This is because they are the ones who forage for food for everyone else, groom the other members of the community, care for the eggs and build tunnels.

They are creamy white in color with straight antennae and bodies. They therefore resemble grains of rice with legs. Since they do most of the dirty work, they are the ones easily spotted by humans when wood or mud tunnels are broken off.


Soldier termites is another type of termite that looks different from the first two. Termite soldiers are the defenders of the colony and may be seen when tunnels or wood areas are exposed.

They have large light orange heads that carry sturdy pinchers for crushing. Some species have holes on their foreheads from which they release chemicals to suppress would-be invaders. They are larger than workers but just like workers, they have straight, whitish bodies.

Swarmers or Reproductives

Swarmers or reproductives are easy to identify because they have four wings that are of the same size and are longer than their bodies.

Unlike workers, however, they have darker colored bodies. Swarmers usually separate from the colonies from which they were born and look for other places with which to establish new colonies. These swarmers eventually grow to become new queens and kings.

Mud Tubes

If you find it hard to identify and answer what do termites look like, consider relying on the evidence of the termite’s presence in your home instead.

Aside from eaten up wood, you should also look for mud tunnels or tubes that may stick on some wooden parts of your house. Some tunnels may also rise up from the ground.

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