How to Create the Perfect Facebook Video Ad
Did you know that there are more than 4 billion video watches per day on Facebook? This translates to about 100 million hours of video content being accessed on Facebook every day.
That’s a lot of video content for you to try and stand out in. But this doesn’t mean that attempting your first Facebook video campaign has to be difficult or overwhelming.
On the contrary, if you know how to put together the perfect Facebook video ad, combined with a fair knowledge of Facebook ad targeting, then you’ve got a recipe for success.
Keep reading to find out how!
1. Focus on Your Facebook Video Ad Content
Some people think that a video ad is a perfect opportunity to cram in as much information as possible, but this shouldn’t be your goal with your Facebook video ad content.
You have an opportunity with video that you wouldn’t ordinarily have with other types of content, and this is to create a compelling message through visual storytelling. Use the first three seconds of your video wisely to catch the attention of a potential viewer, this is because of Facebook’s auto-watch feature, so you want to grab them as early on as you can.
2. Focus on the Quality of Your Video
When it comes to creating video content that is going to stand out, you should totally prioritize creating videos that are professionally recorded, or at least seemingly so.
The quality of the recording of your video is imperative to impress your viewers. Most viewers will drop off if a video is pixelated, or the audio isn’t of great quality.
So place a definite priority on putting together a high-quality video for your Facebook ad.
3. Great Video Edits
Once you’re filmed your footage or put together the message you’ll be putting into your Facebook video ad, you’ll be jumping to the editing stage.
Here, you’ll want to focus on creating a video that is perfect for viewing on the Facebook website and app. You don’t have to have an extremely large editing budget for this, for example, you can trim video for free online and even find video editing software that can add text and subtitles.
4. Optimize for Muted Viewing
Many people who watch videos online do so at their desk or in a public place which means one thing, they watch videos with the sound off.
You’ll want to ensure that your Facebook video ad is geared for this. You can do this by adding subtitles or subtle iconography and symbolism within your video so that your story can be understood without the sound being heard.
Amazing Video Comes From Great Ideas
When putting together content for your Facebook video ad, put your brand at the forefront of your strategy. What are you trying to achieve? What should your Facebook video ad say about your brand? What do you want viewers to come away with, after watching your ad?
If you can focus on your brand’s messaging and what the goal of your ad campaign is, then you’ll find success.
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