Tomorrow must be simpler than today thanks to digital

Tomorrow must be simpler than today thanks to digital

Adapting to the needs of our customers to make them more efficient, but without imposing anything on them, Maileva intends to support companies of all sizes in their digital transformation, explains Muriel Politano, Managing Director of Maileva.

Innovating and supporting companies of all sizes in their digital signature transformation are the goals Muriel Politano, CEO of Maileva, sets for the coming years.

What do you think are the main challenges of digital business transformation today?

In a constantly changing world, the technological solutions that are implemented at a given moment are less important than the ability to support the transformation of organizations and working methods through digital technology. The challenge is therefore human before being technological. It is measured by concrete benefits such as simplicity of use, time saving, and confidence. It’s up to us to understand what motivates each company and to put our resources at the service of this goal. That’s what our customers expect. They do not just want solutions. They expect us to be on the long term with them, that we make tomorrow easier than today thanks to digital technology.

How do you respond to this expectation?

The promise we make to our customers is based on two pillars, solutions and support. Our parent company DOCAPOST, a subsidiary of the La Poste group, provides solutions for over 90% of CAC 40 companies that simplify their daily lives and facilitate their communication, create digital signature and physical. Our role, Maileva, is to capitalize on these proven technological bases to design ready-to-use solutions that meet the needs shared by all companies. All companies do not need tailor-made. On the other hand, and this is the second pillar of our promise, they all need to be accompanied in the long term and above all to be advised. Our role is not to tell our customers what to do. But it’s not about leaving them on their own, facing a technological solution. We want to be at their side to help them transform themselves, to evaluate opportunities and risks, including legal risks, and to measure the impact on their organization and processes. In the digital transformation, there is an important part of pedagogy and this one is necessarily in the long term.

What are your goals for 2019?

Our roadmap for the coming year can be summed up in two “plus”: more services, enriching our offers, and more simplicity. We work to increase the added value of each of our existing solutions. For example, by adding a QR code to our electronic invoices to facilitate online payment if the customer wishes. We are also changing our customer space towards more autonomy. We want an easier way to subscribe to offers. We are also working to make sending settings both richer and simpler. And it is essential for us to help our customers better track their consumption in detail. These developments all pursue the same objective.

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